HEX Superette

Rosemary Oxymel


Fresh Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extracted in organic apple cider vinegar & organic honey!  

Rosemary, known for its culinary prowess, has been celebrated worldwide for bringing warmth and joy into homes and hearts! Its invigorating aroma and bold flavor awaken the senses and have a powerful effect on the circulatory system, stimulating the mind and enhancing mental clarity and memory. This herb of the sun can provide gentle comfort and protection to the body, mind, and spirit all year round!
An oxymel is an age-old concoction made from vinegar (typically apple cider vinegar) and raw honey, deriving its name from the ancient Greek word "oxymeli" meaning "acid and honey". As expected, oxymels have been cherished for generations and have a long history as a popular folk remedy for various purposes. These trusty kitchen companions offer a delicious and convenient way to extract beneficial minerals and medicinal properties from plants. Enjoy the flavorsome and versatile benefits of your herbal remedy without any alcohol!


Ingredients: rosemary*, orange peel*, lemongrass, apple cider vinegar*, organic honey*.   *Organic 

16 fl.oz